Stone -Carborundum -Rough -XX Large
Stone -Carborundum -Rough -XX Large
Stone -Carborundum -Rough -XX Large
Carborundum has the ability to remove negative energy around oneself and protects.
It has the meaning and properties of an amulet against evils. It is a gemstone that prevent negative energy from gathering around you. It purifies, mind, body and spirit. It encourages intuition and discernment. It also aligns chakras and absorbs chaotic thoughts. Allows for access to intergalactic knowledge.
SKU: 127430422011
Categories: Crystal, Crystals, Rocks, Rock, Gemstones, Gemstone, Minerals, Mineral, Precious Stone , Stone, Stones, Specimen
Tags: Carborundum, XX Large, Carborundum Meaning, Carborundum Crystals, Natural Carborundum, Rough, Raw, Carborundum Specimen
Virtues and benefits
Carborundum enhances communication, transmits thought, mental agility and focus. It eliminates depression, anger, melancholy and relieves stress. It balances the chakras, and is calming and gently grounding. It shields and protects, particularly in cases of electromagnetic stress.
Size : 2-6"